The Da Vinci Code
Never was so much spouted by so many for such a waste of time
What a shame & what a waste of talent (Audrey Tatou - oooo).
There's been so much hot air & hype put out about this film (the makers must've been rubbing their hands with glee over the free publicity - just like the author) - the eventual viewing was like an over-ripe banana.
The script was naff - to be expected given the subject
There were some good CG-action - used to help extricate the makers from the terminal explication scenes. But they weren't enough to keep you awake & I ended up wondering why they bothered
The whole thing had the feeling of trying to keep to much to the book - which I spose they had to do, to give it some verrisimilitude (did I get that right?) - & lets face it, if it had strayed from the book, it might have made a better film but they'd be in more trouble from the fans & "experts".
The story itself is a good yarn, Indiana Jones & (less so) National Treasure were along the same lines but a lot more fun - at least they can make sequels out of them (tho for the latter you might wonder why)
- altho I also hear that there's talk of making another Dan Browne book into a film . . . Deep joy!
But did it keep to, or stray from? Ay there's the rub. The problem I've got now is whether to bother reading it - this was not a very good incentive.
Good news: the tickets were free so I shouldn,t complain too much
Bad news: I already bought the book
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