Thought I'd see how well I got on as a Movie Critic - if nothing else, it'll remind of which ones I've seen

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Departed

Another Eastern original (Infernal Affairs) remade - but this time, done well.

Martin Scorcese directing & plenty of money spent on the stars, meant it was no flop (unlike Michel Gellar in The Grudge - by the time that one got to the final reel you were glad it finaly got her as well)

Jack Nicholson took the film - as he always does but excellent stuff from all the main cast - I worried that the last 20-30 mins would suffer but it kept you hooked even tho the main premise had been done before: how will the hero bring the badden to book when every one who knows aint around anymore...?

The interaction of the different police groups was nicely played - Baldwin, Wahlberg, etc (What was with Markey's hair-style?!) Nice to see Sheen out of the White House but Superman he aint.

The Boston accent that everyone was going "far" (geddit?) was a bit trying to listen to but it was different from the usual New York/Bronx we normally see in Scorcese's films.
And what was Ray Winstone going for . . . ?

De Caprio is a becoming a great actor & will be good to watch his future work. Excellent portrayal of a desperate man, scared of being caught out, left out in the cold.
Matt Damon having it easy - loadsa money, flash pad & good-looking girl-friend - you just had to hate him. To do otherwise, provokes a few questions - he was no hero but his efforts were heroic...and callous

However, despite the pedigree and the class, the story felt a bit clinical - I couldnt get behind any of them - maybe because I knew the story (?).

It's a great film, superb entertainment but not a masterpiece, sadly
But it was great to see Jack's rat impression

Friday, October 20, 2006

A History of Violence

David Cronenberg always surprises & this one did by it's normality.
At least, at first.

The initial impression is that maybe Cronenberg had apparently given up per- and sub-version & gone mainstream. The premise of small-town America being hit by evil outsiders, saved by a lone quiet hero has been done times before - High Noon for instance. But no - he's just got better, the subversion is there below the B-movie surface; it appears when you look closer. . .

The occasional glimpses of violence - sexual as well as murderous - are explicit and exciting and reveal the director. The physical effects of that violence (the "history" of it?), gave the impression of accuracy (the ruined nose, blood spatter, smashed jaw - the stair-bruised back) adding to the reality. Uncomfortable watching.

Despite that, it's a subtle film - nothing is spelt out - no flashbacks: a grown-up film. It sticks with you, making you think about the points it raises - can a personality change (not just Tom's)? deception (the shot of the wife coming out of the bathroom showing the lie of her hair colour - which I found, surprisingly[?], shocking); family protection (or not)? & love. One sentence by the William Hurt character (what was with that beard?) told you the brothers' story - it was as simple as that.

And finally, the final scene (what else?), although (I think) hopeful, it reminded me of
the before & after relationship between husband & wife (and similar relationships I've been through): showing how lives can shatter so quickly & the sadness of knowing that it won't ever be the same again . . .

See it

Friday, June 16, 2006

X Men 3

Now if you want to see how a sequel should work - forget MI3 & Star Wars, check this one out.

Not a brilliant film but when compared to 1 & 2, just as good & with some extra effects and a good plot to bring the sequence to a close.... or not
Had a few swipes for Pro-Choice & some parts of the dialogue clunked but you don't go to these films for Shakespeare.
And how did they get Ian McKellen looking like he did 20 years ago?
- that was almost as good as the other effects

Dark and Final (is it?)


Or Danny The Dog as I've seen it called
Ah what a combination: Jet Li, Bob Hoskins & Morgan Freeman - writing credits by Luc Besson! and directed by a first timer - and French! - Altho he worked on the Transporter so I guess it fits

Still, bluddy good time had by all (watching it that is - can't say the same for the actors)
Bob, reprising his malice from The Long Good Friday - altho I did get reminded of Alan Sugar a few times.
Freeman, the old blind guy that always see the good in everyone (well he can't see anything else)
& Jet doing what he does best and acting as well! It's a shame he's giving up the Martial Arts stuff because I find his work far more physical & in this it actually hurts! The fight scenes are pretty good & I've not seen their like before

Nice one


Well crafted intelligent piece about the comings & groanings of a group of people.

Showed how blokes only think with their knob & women? - god knows!
But the weaving of the relationships & eventual conclusion - without a lot of explanation of the intervening periods made it. The blokes come out of it worse & rightly so
About the only one to come out of it with any honour was Princess Amadalla
- or Hubba-hubba, after seeing the lap dance club.
And does she really mean what she says at the end . . .?

Mission Impossible 3

Good-ish fun - some of it appeared to be a poke at itself

A bit disatisfying with the involvement of a "private life" for Hunt - less cold compared to predecessors
But the stunts amazed as usual - albeit with a few hiccups - the parachute drop, the comical faces- which detracted from the effect of the first two films - I could have done without those.

It was like a visit to a well-used restaurant - somehow it was still as good as before but lacking in bite.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Interpreter

Pretty good
Nicole Kidman, looking as good as always - a trifle vulnerable, skinny, resembling the girl out of Cold Case
- spent most of the film wondering who she reminded me of & now I've got it.
Tho having checked - maybe she don't.. still no matter

Sean Penn looking as ugly as always but watchable (as always)

Plenty of twists in what could have been a fomula - plenty of others like it - so well worth a watch
- especially the first few mins - take notes

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mr & Mrs Smith

Leave your brain
with your reality outside the door & go with the flow. Don't pick on the details
The scenes in counselling were a trifle ironic considering what else was going on but nicely done
But the action sequences were superb - espec the store shootout
- I did wonder whether they should have included the deleted scene (obviously I saw it on DVD) as the sequence was so stupidly enjoyable but it may have added another 5 or so mins to the total & the feigned cockups were probably thought unnecessary

As my old Gran used to say: it's just like sh*t from China - "far-fetched"
But that doesn't mean it's a bad film, honey

Great way to pass the time AND with jolly Miss Jolie thrown in to boot - and Brad certainly did

The Da Vinci Code

Never was so much spouted by so many for such a waste of time
What a shame & what a waste of talent (Audrey Tatou - oooo).
There's been so much hot air & hype put out about this film (the makers must've been rubbing their hands with glee over the free publicity - just like the author) - the eventual viewing was like an over-ripe banana.

The script was naff - to be expected given the subject
There were some good CG-action - used to help extricate the makers from the terminal explication scenes. But they weren't enough to keep you awake & I ended up wondering why they bothered
The whole thing had the feeling of trying to keep to much to the book - which I spose they had to do, to give it some verrisimilitude (did I get that right?) - & lets face it, if it had strayed from the book, it might have made a better film but they'd be in more trouble from the fans & "experts".
The story itself is a good yarn, Indiana Jones & (less so)
National Treasure were along the same lines but a lot more fun - at least they can make sequels out of them (tho for the latter you might wonder why)
- altho I also hear that there's talk of making another Dan Browne book into a film . . . Deep joy!

But did it keep to, or stray from? Ay there's the rub. The problem I've got now is whether to bother reading it - this was not a very good incentive.

Good news: the tickets were free so I shouldn,t complain too much
Bad news: I already bought the book

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Million Dollar Baby

Not the most pleasant experience I've had but that's not the film's fault, it's its success.
The two male leads (Eastwood & Freeman) were superb - completely believable as two old stagers: been around, seen & done most but just not quite made it. The regrets, mistakes & lost chances might be piled on top but they were still fighting - excellent. Made me sad to think of their passing (the characters & the actors), so accurate were their portrayals - I'm already missing them both.
Some of the fight scenes looked a bit too quick to be true but I felt them even so.

Hillary Swank deserved the award but I was less taken with the feisty no-hoper from Trailer-Park Land - probably an age thing.
To some extent the plot was standard (underdog makes good until . . . but then comes back*) but it was the little details (Dunn's visits with the priest, the interplay between Dunn & Scap-Iron), that made the whole piece complete.

Excellent film but hard to watch